know from

Your Oktoberfest Table Reservation

*We start selling our products before delivery from our suppliers and before table reservations and the associated documents are issued by the beer hall operators. We make a binding commitment to our customers to procure the ordered table reservations. If this does not succeed, you are entitled to claims against us, in particular for repayment of the purchase price. As a secondary market provider, we do not receive reservations directly from the beer hall operator, but from people who have purchased them directly from the beer halls. The reservation confirmation, which also contains the name of the first customer, cannot be changed to your name. In addition, the admissibility of transferring table reservations is legally controversial. Should there be any inconvenience when visiting the beer hall, our customer service is always available at short notice.

21. September - 6. October 2022

Our Clients and Partners

Last Minute - Angebote

Last Minute - Angebote

Booking made easy

Choose your date, group size, beer hall and timeslot

After the table reservations have been made available by the beer halls, we check the availability on the reseller market.

„Wenn wir die passenden Reservierung-sunterlagen von unseren Lieferanten erhalten haben, verschicken wir diese per Express oder Sie holen diese in München oder Berlin ab.

Choose your date,
group size, beer hall and timeslot
After the table reservations have been made available by the beer halls, we check the availability on the reseller market.
When we have received the appropriate reservation documents from our suppliers, we will send them by express or you can pick them up in Munich or Berlin.

We are the world's largest independent provider of table reservations* at the Munich Oktoberfest.

Our recommendations


Customer satisfaction is important to us. Therefore we take care of your wishes and offer you a Best Price Guarantee


„We want to offer extra-ordinary events to our partners - and tab ticketbroker hits that goal year after year!"

„Professional operations and high customer satisfaction convinced us to build up a longterm relationship with tab ticketbroker."

"Tab ticketbroker has been trading with a rare commodity for six years: Wiesn tables in the large beer tents of the Oktoberfest"

(Süddeutsche Zeitung, 20.8.2014)

*We start selling our products before delivery from our suppliers and before table reservations and the associated documents are issued by the beer hall operators. We make a binding commitment to our customers to procure the ordered table reservations. If this does not succeed, you are entitled to claims against us, in particular for repayment of the purchase price. As a secondary market provider, we do not receive reservations directly from the beer hall operator, but from people who have purchased them directly from the beer halls. The reservation confirmation, which also contains the name of the first customer, cannot be changed to your name. In addition, the admissibility of transferring table reservations is legally controversial. Should there be any inconvenience when visiting the beer hall, our customer service is always available at short notice.