Dates of the largest traditional festival in the world

Here you will find all the information you need to know about the meadows.

When does the Oktoberfest open its gates, when is the start and until what time beer is served. What day is the Italian Oktoberfest and in which tent do the Australians celebrate?

Alle wichtigen Öffnungszeiten und Veranstaltungstips des Oktoberfests 2025, das vom 20. September bis zum 5. Oktober 2025 stattfindet.

Opening times beer tents:

Date Zeit Ort Veranstaltung
1. Wiesn Samstag
Start: Josephspitalstraße, Munich
Traditional entry of the Oktoberfest hosts
Schottenhamel Beer Hall (Theresienwiese)
Opening of the Oktoberfest by the Mayor of Munich with traditional keg tapping.
1. Wiesn Sonntag
Start: Maximilianstraße zur Theresienwiese
The traditional costume and rifle parade (approx. 9000 riflemen can be expected every year)
Bräurosl Festzelt
The traditional Gay Sunday is celebrated today in this festival.
1. Wiesn Dienstag
Family day. Today it is cheaper for families with children.
1. Wiesn Donnerstag
Marstall Beer Hall
Wiesn-church service
2. Wiesn Samstag
Die „Festa d’ottobre“ oder auch das Italiener Wochenende startet
2. Wiesn Sonntag
Theresienwiese in front of the Bavaria Statue
Open-air concert by the Oktoberfest restaurateurs: Free concert by all music bands from the festival tents in front of the Bavaria statue
2. Wiesn Montag
Gay Wiesn the second: Prosecco & Wiesn
2. Wiesn Dienstag
Family day. Today it is cheaper for families with children.
3. Wiesn Sonntag
Last day today it's going to be crowded!

On the first Saturday of the Oktoberfest:

The tents open at 9 a.m. Between 10 a.m. and 12 a.m., non-alcoholic drinks (NO beer) are served.

At 12 noon the official tapping of the keg takes place in the Schottenhamel beer hall with the mayor. That is the start of the Oktoberfest and then it says: “Ozapft is!”. The Oktoberfest is now officially open!

Monday to Friday

The marquees are open from 10 a.m. to 11:30 p.m.

Saturday, Sunday and public holidays

The beer halls open at 9 a.m.

The last beer is served at 10:30 p.m. every day.


Tapping in the Kufflers Weinzelt and the Käfer Wiesn-Schänke is daily at 1 a.m.
The last drinks can be ordered until 00:30.

More helpful TIPS can be found here!